Imersão em Oclusão – Artigos Recomendados
Contatos Oclusais – PAGINAS 17 18 19 e 20
Anatomic crown width/length ratios of unworn and worn maxillary teeth in white subjects
Anterior guidance: Its effect on electromyographic activity of the temporal and masseter muscles
An evidence-based evaluation of the concept of centric relation in the 21st century
Estética em Ortodontia: Diagramas de Referências Estéticas Dentárias (DRED) e Faciais (DREF)
Mini-JIG Estético – Um Novo Conceito para Restabelecimento da Dimensão Vertical de Oclusão
The association between occlusal factors and noncarious cervical lesions: A systematic review
Approaches to Vertical Dimension
The effect of a Lucia jig for 30 minutes on neuromuscular re-programming, in normal subjects
Tooth wear: A systematic review of treatment options
Safety of increasing vertical dimension of occlusion: a systematic review